Award Winning Children's Author

Home Activities

Horrible Harry in Room 2B

1. Have fun making your own stub person from scraps!  Give it a name. 
2. Write briefly about your stub person's  bio  - where it was born, its likes and dislikes,  and tell how it changed the world.  
3. Display your stub person and bio on a box lid or piece of paper.  Do a second one if you like!
4. Reread the last chapter.  The bee helped Harry and Doug make up.  Write your own story where a bee plays an important part.  Call your story, "Bzzzzz!"  When you finish, read it aloud to someone in your house.

5. Read chapter one aloud to someone in your family or a pet.  Which part made them laugh, bark or meow?
6. Sidney had canary stickers for one reason.  What kind of stickers would you pick?  Why? What would you do with them?
7.  Harry's class went to the aquarium for a field trip.  If you planned one,  where would it be?  Plan your day.    

Click Here to Listen to the Book Read by the Author

Horrible Harry and the Green Slime

  1. Research the three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases.   List five examples of each. 
    2. Make your own slime. See recipe on pg. 55.  Can it be 2 states of matter?
    3. Read  Charlotte's Web by E.B.White just for the joy of it!
    4. Look up spiders.  What facts do you think are most interesting?
    5. Draw your own cobweb.  (Find a picture of one you can look at.) What word would you put in the middle? 
    6. Make a NO SMOKING poster.  Display it somewhere in your house. 
  2. 7. Which part would you like to play in  "The Deadly Skit?"   Why?  Reread pgs. 27-30 aloud. Make sure you sing the singing parts.  Record it if you can. Then have fun listening to it!  
    8. Do a  "Demonstration" of how to do something.  Ask someone at home to video it.  What do you think?

Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion

1. Make your own list of "ant" words, like brilliant.  Can you come up with a dozen?
2. Find a picture of an ant and draw it.  Label its body parts.
3. Write a story about something that happens when a class gets an ant farm. 
4. Room 2B had a fish tank.  If you had a fish tank, what would you put in it?  Draw a picture of it. 
5. Harry got in trouble because he didn't listen to his teacher.  He touched the ants and got bit.   Listening is hard for Harry.  He's easily distracted.  What is hard for you to do?  Write about that.  

Horrible Harry's Secret

1. Look up frogs.  Can you find five fun facts about them?
2. Read about teeth.  Next time you loose a tooth, save it.  Drop it in a small glass of Coke or soda and see what happens after a few days.   Does the sugary drink have an affect?
3. Harry got into a snow fight.  What do you like to do in the snow?  Write about it and draw a picture. 
4. Harry had a secret in the story.  Could you think of some reasons why someone might have  a secret?
5. Draw your self portrait,  then sketch your interests around the border.

Horrible Harry and the Christmas Surprise

1. Rediscover Nursery Rhymes!  Pick out your favorites and read them aloud to someone at home.
2. Pick out one character in any Nursery Rhyme.  Tell why you would like to be that character.  
3. Harry made a special gift for his teacher out of something that was old.  Have you ever made a homemade       gift?  What was it? 
4. Brainstorm a list of sounds in your house.  Outside?  On a walk?
5. Record yourself reading pgs. 1-5  adding  the special sound effects.  Play it back and enjoy!

Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding

1. Write your own lyrics to the tune of  "Here Comes the Bride."   Use something different than "bride."
2. Harry got "married" out on the playground.  Write your own story called, "It Happened at Recess."
3. Harry and his friends play kickball a lot.  What games do you like to play at home?  Why?
4. Brainstorm what Harry loves! Is there anything on his list that you love too?

5. Read the classic, Pinocchio, just for fun!

Horrible Harry and the Dungeon

1. The students in  Room 2B studied butterflies by raising some in class.  If you could study any living thing, what would it be and how would you study it?
2. Look up the Fibonacci Sequence.  Can you write one on your own?  How far can you go? Here's the start of one: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,  ,  ,   ,  ,
3. Harry and his friends called the suspension room, a dungeon.  Harry wanted to go there.   Would you like to go to that same dungeon Harry went to?  If so, why?   If not, why not?
4. Write a story with a big, black bag in it.  
5. Look up interesting facts about the monarch butterfly!  Draw one in its habitat. 

Horrible Harry and the Purple People

  1. 1. Start reading the beginning of  Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.  When you get to the part where Alice falls down the hole, stop, and rewrite the rest of the story.  Tell where she lands and what happens next! 
    2. Draw or create your own "Purple People!"
    3. Name your Purple People -  Humbug, Hogwash, Hooey, Hokum, Balderdash or Poppycock. Be sure to print underneath their portrait one thing they don't like!
  2. 4. Have a pretend "Tea Party" and invite your Purple People.  Read the story you wrote about Alice to them.  Did it cheer them up?
  3. 5. Sidney lost something important in this book.   Write a story about something you lost that was important to you. Be sure to include places you looked, what you had to do without it, and where you finally found it - if you did!  Did you learn something?

Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom

1. Draw a picture of  your favorite amusement park ride.  Tell why you love it.   
2. Is there one ride at an amusement park that you don't go on?   Why?
3. Make your own "paper quilt."  Fold a paper into eighths and draw something that is important to you in each square.  Border each square with little stitch lines   - - - - - -
4. Reread the epitaphs on pg. 38.  Write your own about people who didn't make good choices, or didn't have good common sense. (Ex: Here lies Robert Henry Poked who died at 30 because he smoked.)
5.  Harry has a fear of heights and elevators.  Write about a fear you had once.  Did you get over it?  Read it to someone in your house.  Then ask that listener if they had a fear.  

Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third Grade

1. Do some research on rocks and minerals.  Jot down a few notes of the rocks that interest you. 
2. Look up a mine.  Have you ever gone underground?  If so write about  that experience.  Read it aloud to someone. 
3. If you can, collect a few rocks from outside and wash them.  Paint the flatish side with a picture.  Display it somewhere when it's dry.  
4. Read the chapter, "Things Get Rocky," to someone at your house.  Which part did they like best?
5. Look up gemstones.   Which one is your favorite?  Why? Do you like your birthday gemstone?
6. Write a story about a time you got lost.  Or write  about someone you know who got lost.  Record yourself reading it.   Play it back just for fun! 

Horrible Harry Goes to the Moon

1. Research the moon and collect fascinating facts. 
2. Figure out how high you can jump on the Moon!  (see pg. 14)
3. Look at the picture of the 8 phases of the moon  on pgs. 12-13.  Draw your own chart with the name of each moon phase underneath it.  Research that information.  
4. Have your own moonwatch with your family one night.
5. What would you like to study in outer space?  Why?
6. Make a comic book page illustrating all the moon facts you know. 

Horrible Harry Goes to Sea

1. Have you ever wanted to go to sea?  Where would you go and on what kind of boat?  Write about that.  Read it aloud when you're done.  
2. Research pirates.  Write  down some interesting facts about them.  Draw a picture of one.  Look at pgs. 6-8 to see the artist's picture of a pirate again, and Sidney's answer about why pirates wear one gold earring. 
3. Go to pg. 52 to sing Sidney's sea chantey.  Now try writing your own.
4. Find out about your ancestors. Where were they from?  Ask your grandparents or a relative. 
5. Find out more fascinating facts about famous ships like the Titanic, and the Mayflower.  If you could, which one would you like to explore?  Where on that ship would you spend the most time?
6. The  Essex Riverboat Ride in Connecticut was the inspiration for Room 2B's fieldtrip.  Write about a time you  or someone else at your house once rode a boat.   Read it aloud to yourself.  

Horrible Harry at Halloween

1. Study water at your own house by conducting simple experiments.  Reread pgs. 13-16 and do the same  sink or float experiment Harry did.   Use a big pot.  Fill it with water.  Drop any similar item like a potato, lemon, grape, carrot, etc. inside, one at a time. Try to predict whether it will sink or float.  

2. Now try Mary's experiment on pgs. 9-10.  Get a glass of water.  Color it with some food coloring, then drop a spoonful of oil into it.  What happened?  Did you get the same result as Mary? 
3. Estimate how many seeds are in a big pumpkin and a small pumpkin. Then find out: Does your larger pumpkin have more seeds?  Bake the pumpkin seeds in oil & salt for a snack.
4.  Miss Mackle read aloud, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."   Have someone take a picture of you headless! (See pg. 36.)
5. Make a Readers' Theater out of the last chapter, "The Case of the Missing Pixie Dust."   Start on pg. 42 when Mary screams, "Someone stole my pixie dust!  There's a thief in the room!"  You will need a narrator to read the story,  3 characters:  Harry, Mary and Sidney to read the dialogue parts.   Record it, and replay it for fun!
6. Make a Halloween Bar Graph with Room 3B's categories: fantasy, animal costumes, and occupations.) Tally the costumes you or anyone else at your house wore the past Halloweens.  Add a category if you need one. 

Horrible Harry and the Dragon War

1. Research more about dragons.  Reread pgs. 9-11 to recall Harry's dragon and Song Lee's.   Which one would you prefer and why?
2. Draw your own rainbow using the scientific color order of ROYGBIV                 (See pg. 17.)
3. Start reading aloud the classic,  My Father's Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett to someone in your house just for fun!
4. Choose your own favorite animals from stories you've loved, and draw an Animal Hall of Fame! Look up each one when you want to start drawing and need to add details.

5. Harry's "S" word hurt Song Lee's feelings.  Can you brainstorm six "S" words that would have made Song Lee feel good?

6. Harry wrote Song Lee an "I'm sorry" letter.  Have you ever written one?  Did it help?

Horrible Harry and the Mud Gremlins

1. Reread pgs. 10- 12 about fungi and Sidney's double fungus sandwich.  Make a list of all the foods you enjoy that are a kind of fungus.  Research the topic of fungi and food. 
2. Room 3B wrote about things they didn't like.  Miss Mackle said long meetings.  Song Lee said gum under a restaurant table.   Make your own list about - "Things that bug me!"  
3. Grow your own bread mold like Room 3B.  Put several drops of water on one slice of bread.  Put it in a baggie and close it tightly.  Scotch tape it to the wall and observe it over the next few months.    Keep a journal  with your observations, and  take a photo of it every week.    
4. Harry got his 7 friends to leave the school playground.  They crawled through the hole in the fence to see the mushrooms.   They  broke a school rule.  Why do you think Harry did that?  Have you ever broken a rule?

  song lee and the "I Hate You" Notes, 


(Activities and projects to be added)

Horrible Harry and the locked closet

horrible harry and the goog

horrible harry and the triple revenge

horrible harry cracks the code

Horrible harry on the ropes

      Horrible Harry  and The June Box


Reader's Theatre

"Under the Library Table" From Herbie Jones

Characters:  Mrs. Jones, Herbie Jones, Mr. Jones, Olivia Jones, Annabelle Louisa Hodgekiss, Raymond Martin, Narrator, SFX Person

Settings:  Herbie's house; library

Time: Evening

Props: Some keys


MRS. JONES:  HERBIE! Your dinner's getting cold.

MR. JONES: What's gotten into that boy? He's never late to dinner. Who wants some meatloaf?

OLIVIA: I do. Please.

NARRATOR: A few minutes later, Herbie sat down at the table.

HERBIE:  Sorry, Mom. I had to brush my teeth.

MR. JONES: You brush before meals now?

OLIVIA:  He wants his breath to smell nice for Annabelle. Did you have fun at her house today? Hmmm?

NARRATOR:  Herbie blew some breath in Olivia's face.

SFX PERSON: (Exhales loudly.)

OLIVIA: Hmmm, wintergreen. Nice, Erb. I also like the way you combed your hair.

HERBIE: Thanks, Olive!

MR. JONES: Are you going somewhere tonight, son?

HERBIE: To the library.

OLIVIA: What are you studying at the library?

HERBIE: Poetry. Miss Pinkham told us we could make a book of poems together.

MRS. JONES: Miss Pinkham told who?

HERBIE: Annabelle and me.

OLIVIA: Hmmm. You might look up Carl Sandburg. He wrote a neat poem called "Fog." We read it in English last week.

HERBIE: Thanks, Olive. Carl who?

OLIVIA: Sandburg. It rhymes with Hamburg.

HERBIE: Got it! I told Annabelle I'd pick her up at six o'clock so I better get going.

NARRATOR: Twenty minutes later, Herbie and Annabelle walked up the steps to the library.

SFX PERSON: (Jingles some keys.)

ANNABELLE: What is that tinkling noise behind us? (Groans.) Oh, it's Raymond Martin and his dog, Shadow. I bet they're following us.  Let's hurry up and go inside.

NARRATOR: Herbie and Annabelle dashed into the library and went over to the card catalogue.

ANNABELLE: Now, what poet did you want to look up, Herbie?

HERBIE: Uh...Carl Hamburger.

ANNABELLE: (Giggling.) I think you mean Carl Sandburg.

NARRATOR: Ray hurriedly tied Shadow to a parking meter in front of the library. Then he joined Herbie and Annabelle at the card catalogue.

RAYMOND: What'cha looking up?

HERBIE: Hi, Ray!

ANNABELLE: We're busy, Raymond.

HERBIE: Olivia told me some guy named Carl Sandburg writes good poetry. I want to read his poem "Fog." Here it is!

ANNABELLE: Shhhh! Let's read it over here. I'll put our other poetry books down on the table.

NARRATOR: Just as Raymond was about to sit down, Annabelle flared her nostrils.

SFX PERSON: (Inhales deeply and sniffs.)

ANNABELLE: Sorry, Raymond. There's just enough room for Herbie and me and our books.You can sit behind us at the next table. Read the poem, Herbie.

HERBIE: "Fog," by Carl Sandburg.

           The fog comes

            on little cat feet.

            It sits looking

             over harbor and city

             on silent haunches

             and then, moves on.

 Gee, it doesn't rhyme!

NARRATOR: Raymond leaned over.

RAYMOND: It must not be a real poem.

HERBIE: has to be a poem. Olivia said Carl Hamburger is a poet.

ANNABELLE: I like poems that rhyme better.

HERBIE: What does haunches mean?

ANNABELLE: I'll get the big Webster's dictionary, and we can look it up.

NARRATOR: When she returned, they flipped through the pages until they came to the H section.

ANNABELLE: Here it is. It says the two rounded parts on your lower back.

HERBIE: Rounded parts?

RAYMOND: They mean rear end.

ANNABELLE: (Giggles.) My mom always told me to call it derriere - that's the French word for it.

HERBIE:  Derriere? We call them buns at my house.

HERBIE / ANNABELLE / RAYMOND: (Together they crack up.)

ANNABELLE: Shhhh! We're going to get in trouble. Wait a minute! What's that under the card catalogue? It has...four legs and it' and hairy.

HERBIE: Shadow!


ANNABELLE: Over by the card catalogue. He's squatting.

RAYMOND: Oh, no! When he sits on his...

HERBIE: Haunches...

RAYMOND: That means he has to...

NARRATOR:  Raymond dashes for his dog and pulled him outside.

SFX PERSON: (Makes running footsteps and barks three times.)

NARRATOR: While Shadow ran to a big bush, Raymond looked back through the glass door of the library at Herbie and Annabelle.

RAYMOND: Just look at them! They're still laughing about that dumb word, haunches. Herbie doesn't even care that I'm gone. They sure don't need me. What's the matter with Herbie anyway? Is he sick or something?

NARRATOR: Ray continued looking through the glass door. When Herbie's green notebook fell to the floor, Herbie and Annabelle crawled underneath the table.

HERBIE: Where did my notebook go?

ANNABELLE: I'll get it.

HERBIE: I'll get it.

HERBIE/ANNABELLE: Ouch! We bumped heads!

NARRATOR: Ray got up slowly.

RAYMOND: Oh, no. Herbie is staring into Annabelle's eyes and not moving. I know what's wrong with Herbie. He's sick all right. Lovesick! He likes a girl. He has the G Disease! I can't desert my buddy now! I'm keeping a close watch on things. Maybe there's time to save Herbie before it's too late.

Suzy Kline Cartoon Drawing Horrible Harry and the Top-Secret Hideout Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Wedding Spies Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Secret Treasure Book Cover Horrible Harry Goes Cuckoo Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Missing Diamond Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Stolen Cookie Book Cover
Horrible Harry and the June Box Book Cover Horrible Harry on the Ropes Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Hallway Bully Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Scarlet Scissors Book Cover Horrible Harry Bugs the Three Bears Book Cover Horrible Harry and the Triple Revenge Book Cover Herbie Jones Book Cover